Excuse my ignorance but, I have been living in La Joya enough to vote in the upcoming elections, but not enough to have voted in the last ones. Can someone please explain to me who belongs to what party and what is it that they want to do for the district? And why are these elections happening again? Please excuse my ignorance again.
-New in La Joya
First let me say that both parties involved in this race run under the banner of the democrats, and that in itself can be confusing when the word party is being thrown around. Back in the 1965 a man by the name of Leo J. Leo, the first mayor of the re-incorporated La Joya and Mexician-American Civil rights leader, had an idea of unifying all the Latinos of Western Hidalgo County as a political force. It was here that the term “The Party” was coined for this particular group of individuals. Billy Leo is the son of Leo James Leo, and continued his father’s legacy of the unification of the West and became the Party’s leader. With this powerful political bloc, the West was able to secure attention and funds from county, state, and federal leaders, rather than having multiple disorganized voices that no one would listen to. Kino Flores was one such political leader that was a member of this party, and with his ownership of a State Rep. seat, was a powerful ally to have in the party.
It is unclear when and what caused the party to fracture in half, but it is my opinion that Kino Flores was tired of playing second fiddle and not reaping any kind of personal benefits from "The Party". I believe the fracture first occurred during the 1998 County Judge race when Billy Leo entered the run-off election against a better financed and well known Hispanic name, Eloy Pulido (nephew to Tejano Star Bobby Pulido). Despite being the 2nd highest vote receiver of the 5 candidates, the lack of financial support and name recognition was clearly going to be to much for Leo to overcome. So one by one, the people whom Leo considered his close friends stopped being so vocal of their support for him and starting shifting their attention at the candidate in the lead. This is politics at its finest, where loyalties go out the window in order to satisfy the person who will emerge victorious. Politicians and elected leaders began to grovel at the feet of the soon to be victorious Pulido with the hopes of catching a favorable eye or even some scraps from the new “king”. Here is where Kino Flores comes back in to play, as he was one such beggar at the feet of the soon to be County Judge Elect Eloy Pulido. The infamous Irene Garcia, who was being watched by the Secretary of State for her tactics used in the recent LJISD elections (I can’t find the document detailing this even anywhere online, but I promise you I saw it in person- I’ll try to find a hard copy and scan it, and upload it for all to see), was seen driving around the Palmview area telling voters to go vote for Pulido over a PA system, and that is where everything went downhill. Kino Flores had pulled a Brutus by stabbing his Caesar in the back and thus creating the initial rift in “The Party”. Flores furthered the divide by putting up a Triumvirate slate of candidates to run against Leo’s “The Party” candidates in the March 2006 LJISD school Board race-Uresti, Salinas, Alaniz also known as USA-and officially produced the fissure in the West that remains till this day. Arturo Gonzalez (another former Party member) and Espie Ochoa (self proclaimed Team GO) are a continuation of this slate supported by Kino that has spilt a unified West in half. They are opposed by the original party candidates, Mingo and Elma, a party that was never involved in any fraudulent elections, scandalous promotions , creating hostile working environments, unethical and unprofessional tactics, or money squandering techniques. While those comments I just threw out may be considered opinions, they are backed up with plenty of factual evidence here in my blog.
The upcoming March 25 elections are a re-do of last year’s School Board election that were ruled fraudulent by a local court, an election that was run by the LJISD who was/is controlled by the Kino party. As the first article states, this election was supposed to have taken place on February 16, but a flurry of appeals and stalling tactics by the GO clan forced the date to be pushed back. After exhausting their first appeal, which upheld the fraudulent ruling of the first judge which stated that election clerks put there by the Kino party: "1) Allowed ineligible voters to vote, 2) Prevented eligible voters from voting 3) Improperly relocated voting machines, and 4) Engaged in Fraud."
While this new election has been delayed for a while know, it is only fitting that Early Voting begin on the week of the Ides of March, the same date that Brutus carried out his sinister plot in 44 B.C.
The Ides of March? Interesting, very interesting. While your view is obviously extremely biased, like any good liar your story is one based on slight manipulations and injections of opinion intermingled with fact. Nonetheless, I enjoyed your post, the framework was pretty honest.
I have one pressing question though, if Kino is Brutus and Billy is Caesar would it be presumptious of me to assume that your comparison contains some forshadowing? Will your next post be a concession of the La Joya School Board and Western Hidalgo County to Kino Flores?
I admit that one statement in particular was purely an opinion, and I was clear to state that as such in my post.
However, I reached that conclusion based on the fact that Kino Flores seems to have amassed his wealth after the great chism. Maybe Billy Leo was holding him back and preventing him from engaging in illegal and unethical practices that could fatten his bank roll. Being an honest politician would not have its monetary advantages.
Other than that, bias or not, I have provided evidence for my arguments and while you may personally believe it is inaccurate, I have yet to see you post any logical argument, that would prove otherwise.
As for the foreshadowing, I'm sorry to disappoint but I do not have any kind of prophetic visions, like the alleged soothsayer in the story of Caesar, that would allow me to make such an assumption. I do know however, that we human beings as a species study the art of history in order that we do not commit the same errors as our ancestors.
Logical arguments are easily contrived. A logical argument could be made that Elvis lives, Bigfoot exsists and John McCain is proof of life after death. The validity of that argument however is what really matters.
So I encourage you to spend more time digging for "facts" and crafting witty arguments. They didn't work when Sandra challenged Kino and they wont work now.
For the time being I look forward to your next post, I really enjoy reading what you have to say.
Well I'm off to win another day of early vote but in the mean time dream up something extra special for me.
Agreed, and like I said give me something that shows that my arguments are indeed not valid.
One cannot argue the validly of the argument unless one wants to argue the validity of the facts provided. But that was already attempted in a court of law, and sorry to say the facts were upheld as such.
The TRUTH came out in yesterdays election results. Congratulations Arturo and Espie.
And what is Truth, if not something that people perceive to be the Truth thrust upon them by others?
The Truth can only reached by a certain path, and that path was circumvented by Arturo and Espie, and so what was presented to their loyal supporters was a perceived Truth, hence it was one that was inaccurate which then resulted in it Truth becoming a false Truth.
When one chooses to reach the path of Truth, one must use all the factual information at hand in order to reach that path, or else it becomes deception and a perversion of the Truth.
The only thing Espie and Arturo were successful in achieving, was the rampant spread of deception, falsehood, and deceit.
A man was journeying in the wilderness and he found Veritas-Aletheia standing there all alone. He said to her, "Ancient lady, why do you dwell here in the wilderness, leaving the city behind?" From the great depths of her wisdom, Veritas replied, "Among the people of old, lies were found among only a few, but now they have spread throughout all of human society!" -Aesop, Fables 531 (from Babrius 126)
Now that we are speaking of truth's, the truth is that kino has a lot more money to spend on campaigns, therefore he can pay a lot of people to bring in voters. In Mexico they are called "los acarreados" because they are sometimes brought in to vote against their will, or by payment. And the truth is that many people would say, "kino's giving me forty dollars, how much is the other party paying"?. The truth is kino has amassed an enormous amount of wealth without having a job, and that alone cast a big shadow of doubt on him. Many real estate properties, houses and vehicles under his name, makes people think, and speculate about how and when, and frankly, I do not care, unless in some way that money would have something to do with being of the constituents pockets. A hundred plus votes speaks loudly of how the people are fed up of kino and his friends,he won't last long, he has many things to hide and when the truth come out into the light of day, he's gonna have to face all that he has done.
And what, may I ask, is kino doing going door to door in La Joya campaigning for his dear friend Robert Jackson? Didn't Jackson say that he wasn't with kino anymore and that he had resigned from his 30 thousand a month job, and that he wasn't helping them in the Gonzalez - Ochoa election. Well, all of it was a LIE, just a fake story so they wouldn't lose too many votes, since the huge salary of Jackson (aka the pervert)was a big issue with the people. Now that that is over he's in La Joya with him walking the streets, this just proves that, "birds of a feather will flock together" in other words, "dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres". We the people of La Joya do not want the people from Palmview to come here and rule over us, we do not go to Palmview and try to imposse ourselves over them, so respect us and do not come here, where you are not wanted.
Question, why after so much betrayal from kino and friend, Billy Leo would not expose stuff about some of the candidates running for the board. We saw some pictures that someone took of one candidate that would have made people think twice about voting for that person. But he said no, that there's was no need for that. Even when people were talking about the incompetent attorney, he was reluctant to speak about him too. What's the deal here? Does somebody know?
I really want to know
Well, i might be a little late, but the people need to know the truth. Kino is slowly taking over western hidalgo county. He has Sullivan with Mayor Marro. He now has La Joya ISD. He's trying to get marcos ochoa to win mayor in penitas. I believe his dad is mayor in palmview. Kino is taking kick backs from all kinds of people. Kino is all about lobbying. You want to know why kino was campaigning so much? He was desperate, since he gets so many kick backs from the school district, he couldn't afford to loose.
The mayor in Sullivan is HIS FATHER, the mayor in Palmview is HIS FATHER IN LAW, the majority of the school board are his PUPPETS,
(5 of them), kino is now campaigning for his friends, Roberto Jackson, Isidro Casanova, and M. Salinas in La Joya city election. He is supporting Ochoa and friends in Peñitas, BUT he is also supporting and giving money to Alma Ramirez the other candidate for mayor, since he wants Tony Flores to lose, he's supporting both of his opponents. He also has in his camp a group of women that will do anything for him, including leaving their families behind to go campaign for him. Including his mother in law who we all know what she does. So yes he wants to control from Sullivan to PSJA, but people need to tell this man to go to where he belongs, he should be taking care of his business, and people need to have a little pride and tell him to leave them alone, he's nobody, he's just a person like everybody else.
Keel takes blog complaint to attorney general
Republican wants the state's top lawyer to intervene in his dispute with Democratic consultant and blogger Kelly Fero.
By Laylan Copelin
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Republican Terry Keel wants the state's top lawyer to intervene in his dispute with Democratic consultant and blogger Kelly Fero.
Keel, who is parliamentarian for the Texas House, argues in a new complaint that two Democratic prosecutors in Travis County can't be impartial and that Attorney General Greg Abbott, a Republican, should investigate whether Fero misrepresented himself when he anonymously blogged about a campaign he worked for.
Keel is objecting to a posting that claimed he was actively supporting Mindy Montford over Rosemary Lehmberg in the Democratic runoff for Travis County district attorney. Lehmberg won the runoff April 8; she doesn't face a Republican opponent in the November general election.
Keel is arguing that Fero, as a paid campaign consultant to Lehmberg, violated the state's truth-in-political-advertising laws. Keel said the posting is false; Fero defends it as accurate but declines to identify his source.
A criminal violation would be a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
Keel's newest filing at the Texas Ethics Commission comes after Keel filed a criminal complaint with Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle, who handed it off to County Attorney David Escamilla.
Keel also requested a special prosecutor, saying Earle and Escamilla both supported Lehmberg with political donations. In Escamilla's case, Keel said, the county attorney also is financially backing state Rep. Valinda Bolton, D-Austin, whom Keel's sister-in-law is challenging this fall.
With his newest filing, Keel is escalating the behind-the-scenes tug-of-war over who will investigate the case. The Ethics Commission can refer a case for criminal prosecution but seldom does.
Escamilla denied that his political activities cause a conflict of interest legally.
But, he added, "I'm sensitive to any perception that we might not handle any of our business in fair manner. So far they haven't formally complained to me about any conflicts of interest."
Keel disagreed, saying his objection to Escamilla handling the case were mentioned in the original complaint, in a letter to an administrative judge that was copied to the county attorney's office and in an April 7 meeting with Escamilla's staff.
"That's just untrue," Keel said. "We made that a priority."
Austin lawyer Buck Wood, who represents Fero, said that his client has violated no laws and that Keel is filing another complaint just to keep the issue alive.
"The only way he can seem to keep it alive is to find a friendly forum," Wood said.
So far Abbott has not gotten involved.
"At this point, the matter is before the county attorney," said Jerry Strickland, Abbott's press secretary. "Our office is not involved."
Except in special circumstances, the attorney general typically stays out of local criminal investigations unless the local prosecutor invites him to join.
In this case, Keel's lawyer is arguing that state law gives the attorney general jurisdiction, a proposition that Wood disagrees with.
"The whole idea that the AG would be interested is ludicrous," Wood said.
lcopelin@statesman.com; 445-3617
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Kino is reapng the money from La Joya ISD. He tells the board who to award the construction contract to while he recieves his 10%. Now he is going to push for another bond election so that he can award more contract to get more of your money. The La Joya school system will be broke within another ten years if Kino keep s reaping our money.
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